Eagle’s Wing Ministries Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith
  1.  We believe that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God, infallible and authoritative 
  2. There is One God who exists in Three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Within this definition we recognise the understanding of Christ’s Divinity as the only way to a relationship with God as the completion of the Jewish Faith as understood and demonstrated by the Apostles in Scripture. To this end we recognise that the God of the Old Testament worshipped by Judaism is the same God as Christianity shows in His Fullness. All other religions be they monotheistic or polytheistic in nature are FALSE religions.
  3.  Jesus Christ exists both as Fully God and Fully Human in order to stand as our complete sacrifice required to be united with the Father 
  4. There can be no forgiveness without True Repentance 
  5.  True Salvation is evidenced by Regeneration 
  6.  The Ministry of the Holy Spirit continues in all believers today and is essential to our Faith 
  7.  In accordance with Biblical Teaching there is a literal Heaven for those who accept Christ and a Literal Hell for all who reject Him 
  8.  Any individual who accepts Jesus and enters into a personal relationship with Him is part of His Church regardless of denomination, ethnicity, gender or age. 
  9.  True Godly wisdom can be spoken by any Member of the Church per the above definition irrespective of their background, which has been washed clean by the Blood of Jesus. 
  10. We believe that Jesus will return and gather the faithful to Him in an incorruptible body while the unbelievers will be condemned 
  11.  Salvation includes:Healing in Body, Mind and Spirit, Godly Prosperity – Having enough of God’s supply to accomplish His tasks, Receiving the gift of Faith, allowing us to accept Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross 
  12.  Popular opinion, Political and Legal decrees and the view of the masses have no bearing on the legitimacy of the Bible. Sin is Sin even if the World accepts and decrees it “Normal”. Our Authority comes from a Higher Source than any Worldly court 
  13.  Nobody who accepts Christ is so broken that they cannot be an instrument of His Divine Power through their life and testimony