What Happened to Marriages? What Happened to Us??

80% of divorces are initiated by women. Traditional male roles are undermined and undervalued in society today.

Why don’t marriages last the way our grandparents generation did? Because we let the media become our role model.

Think about the movies from our generation – those of us born in the 1970s. How many feature a stable, loving relationship between the lead actor and actress? Compare that with the movies from our grandparents generation.

We grew up being told sex was free and had no consequences. That marriage is old fashioned and saving ourselves for the person we’d want to spend a lifetime with was outdated. I can’t think of a single movie I loved made in the 80s or 90s that didn’t have that message in the relationships depicted.

TV shows are even worse. The casts jumping into bed with as many people as possible on screen. And where the relationship started it was the kiss of death for the series – think of “Moonlighting” losing ratings after Dave and Maddie get into a permanent relationship – not even a marriage, just not sleeping with other people.

And we wonder why the divorce rate is so high? Seriously?

Normalise divorce in the culture, which is exactly what happened, and it makes specifically MEN expendable looking at the statistics.

Women’s role models are slaves, working to increase profits for strangers so they can avoid the “trap” of instilling a moral backbone into the next generation. The “trap” of becoming mothers and showing their children the value of a single, loving, supportive relationship with one man for a lifetime.

Men’s role models are oversexed rutting dogs. All muscle and no morals. Never shown the values that made two consecutive generations go to war to protect their families from tyrannical ideologies on a global scale. Never shown in the light of why their role was essential for bestowing genuine masculinity to their sons and teaching their daughters what a Good Man looks like.

The comments about women who “suffered” ignore that our grandfather’s and older worked 80 or 90 hour work weeks, six days a week. Seven if they worked on the land. Farming isn’t a 9 to 5 job. The “sh1t” women had to put up with has been handed down by the organisers who have sought to destroy family as a stable, safe option that was the model for ten thousand years or more of civilisations around the world. And our generation ate their excrement because they told us it was “freedom” to sleep around and break our spirits so they could live in luxury and give us scraps.

Yes, some women face abusive situations. Some, not all. There’s a problem with abuse because young men see their fathers replaced so easily and are told that they weren’t wanted. Children are weaponised in divorce. “Why didn’t daddy fight harder to see me” shouldn’t ever be the question. “Why did daddy HAVE to fight to be given time with me” never gets asked until the damage is done.

Why don’t marriages last the way they did in the past?

Because we’ve been lied to for seventy years about what “Freedom” truly is, and that “happiness” – a hedonistic emotion – is more important than “Joy” – the state of being underlying the foundation for the future.

I’m sure some people will be offended by this response. Maybe I’ll get banned by a moderator for daring to say such “outdated and hateful” speech.

Nothing I’ve said here is from a place of hate. Rather it’s a place of deep sorrow. I grieve for the next generation who get the job of cleaning up this current generation’s excrement because we’ve been sold the lie and we swallowed it.

We’ve stood by and watched while the Word of God has been systematically removed, first from schools and then from society.

We’re living in a time where Christian preachers are being arrested in England and America for hate crimes because they stood reading the Bible out loud while a “Pride” parade went past.

How has Sin become so bold?

Our politicians refuse to defend the idea that a woman is not a man and a man is not a woman. They refuse to risk offending the minority.

As Christians we have a responsibility to be a light to the World. How can they see they’re in darkness if we keep the Light hidden?

Our salt is flavourless.

Formerly bold and prominent teachers in leadership of the church are abandoning teaching repentance and embracing tolerance. Tolerance in the church is like a cancer. It’s insidious. It creeps in, disguised a “love”, sowing confusion in the pews.

Pastors who dare speak out against it are thrown to the lions. Torn apart by popular opinion while the road is widened to make the path easier.

There’s a stench of sulphur in the air in many churches today. Two Thousand years of Christianity and Six Thousand of Judaism before that, without which our Faith has no place to stand, are swept aside because some loud-mouthed Spirit of Jezebel – usually with blue hair – says it’s “offensive”.

The Word of God should offend the World. It stands in opposition to the Spirit of the Age. If our words don’t challenge and tear at Sin, we’ve become lukewarm. Christ Himself will vomit us out.

I want to publicly REPENT in this post. I started writing a decade ago but for the last few years I’ve been one of the silent. I’ve fought some battles I should have shared alone. I’ve not been a voice testifying to what God has done for me.

I want to change that. I hope I will find the strength to start writing regularly again. I want my voice to respond to His.

One thought on “What Happened to Marriages? What Happened to Us??

  1. The same things are happening in Kenya, Africa. I think people have drifted away from the sound teachings of God as are espoused in the Bible. People have compromised and so forsaken the Lord God to serve idols. Thank you for the love and care. My prayers are always with you from Kenya.


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